Prof. Zeynep Aycan
Founder and prıncıpal Investıgator
Zeynep Aycan is the Koç Holding Chair of Management and Strategy. She is a Professor with dual appointments in the Department of Psychology and School of Management of Koç University. She is the former Graduate Dean directing MA and Ph.D. programs in social sciences and humanities. Aycan received her Ph.D. at Queen’s University and conducted postdoctoral studies at McGill University. Her research focuses on leadership, cross-cultural management, and work-life balance. She has published 6 books and more than 85 book chapters and research articles in journals such as Journal of Applied Psychology, Science, Annual Review of Psychology, Journal of International Business Studies, and Human Relations.
Aycan has visited Harvard University, Aston University (UK), Oxford European School of Management (UK), Bordeaux University (France), Tartu School of Management (Estonia), and Renmin University of China as a scholar or lecturer.
Among the awards and recognitions Aycan received, the followings are the most notable:
o TUBITAK Science Award
o Best Book Award in Management and Leadership, Chartered Management Institute (CMI)
o American Psychological Association Ursula Gielen Global Psychology Book Award
o Outstanding Young Scholar Award, the World Economic Forum, Interacademy Panel
o Outstanding Young Scholar Award, Turkish Academy of Sciences
o Best Paper Award, Applied Psychology: An International Review
o Alumni Member, Global Young Academy
o Research Fellow, Center for Global Workforce Strategy, Simon Fraser University
o Outstanding Faculty Award, Koç University, CSSH
o Gordon Allport Intergroup Relations Award (co-recipient)
o Outstanding Teaching Award, Renmin University of China
o Elected Fellow, Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology (SIOP)
o Elected Fellow, Association for Psychological Sciences (APS)
Artwork by Nancy J Adler ©